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Client Background

  • Our client is a leading SaaS provider for city and state governments
  • Noisy neighbor outages on the database pool led to stability concerns and didn’t allow the client to maintain 99.9% SLA, escalating issues such as scaling and response time that significantly resulted in negative Net Promoter Value (NPV) with customers

Xoriant Solution

  • To stabilize and carry out the site reliability engineering of their business systems, the client partnered with Xoriant
  • One of our key contributions included using infrastructure-as-code (IaC), monitoring-as-code (MaC), security as-code (SaC) for Azure, reviewing database design and updating the indexes necessary for the performance

Key Benefits

  • Achieved SLA of 99.96% as compared to a previous 70% SLA
  • Reduced the response times by 42%.
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